“Caught up in the great plan of the love of the Father for the world “to unite all things in Christ, the one Head” (NRSV Eph.1: 10) We respond to His call to enter into a covenant of love with Christ.” (ROL 2)
France and Switzerland
The apostolic activities of our Sisters are as follows:
- Helping the homeless; pastoral care of migrants and those without stay permit
- Visiting and accompanying the sick and the elderly dependant persons including our senior sisters and lay people in clinics, hospitals, homes and EHPAD – a convalescent home
- Gospel sharing with the friends of the Sisters of the Cross, the lay associates and ‘jeunes professionnels’ – the youth who begin a career in life
The wide spread social and health care centres in the provinces of Amravati, Pune, Trichy, Madurai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Angamaly and in the delegation of Andhra Pradesh, reach out to the least, the last and the lost, and work in solidarity with them, struggling to build a new society that will uphold equality and respect for every human being. Due to extreme poverty, many children suffer from malnutrition.
Services rendered to the abandoned, the abused, the less fortunate, the runaway, the harassed and the distressed children; successfully implemented life-giving projects to empower women and educate girl child.
Organizing self-help groups in remote villages, conscientising the poor and the marginalized on various issues and problems, helping them to find solutions, providing basic medical aid, counseling victims of domestic violence and adoption centre for abandoned babies.
Battered women and unwed mothers are welcomed and treated with compassion and respect and eventually helped to get integrated with their families through counselling; their children are admitted to our schools and given education.
Working to alleviate poverty and conscientizing the marginalized dalit and the tribal people; caring for the welfare of the domestic workers; offering income-generating schemes for the marginalized; conducting adult literacy programmes.
Running home for street children; catering to their needs through counselling; providing extracurricular activities and formal education.
Participation of women in the panchayatraj institutions and in the revenue units; empowerment of women on health care, herbal gardens, prevention methods, HIV/AIDS awareness programme etc.
Running rehabilitation centre for alcoholism and drug addiction; offering help through medication, counselling, loving acceptance, prayer, etc.; organizing a three-week follow-up session and awareness programmes in the centre.
Conducting classes on hygiene and preventive health care; running counselling and therapeutic centres for HIV/AIDS patients, and conducting awareness programmes for them; caring for the residents and those convalescing through hospitality and availability.
The home for the aged and the destitute run by our Sisters.
Needlework centres for the unemployed women and their services to the physically challenged children.
Sri Lanka
Offering an environment conducive to desperate women in the home for the aged to experience peace; running home for the retired and convalescing priests; conducting social development programmes for women; and running day care centres for children.
Holy Land
Hosting pilgrims and rendering humble service in Bethlehem and Jerusalem; presence among the Arab Christians to promote peace and reconciliation; serving at the hospice for the elderly and taking care of the aged; running our own pilgrim house; collaborating with Franciscan fathers at Ain Karim (birth place of John the Baptist) in welcoming the pilgrims and participating in the activities of the church.
The role of our Sisters in the struggle against poverty and AIDS and conducting awareness camps to conscientize them.
Doing family apostolate; accompanying youth in search of meaning; participating in justice and peace commissions.
Running day care and tailoring centres for the poor and the school dropouts; organizing self-help programmes; involvement in youth ministry and women empowerment.
Sharing in the struggles of the poor; working in collaboration with the other organizations to oppose sinful structures in order to instil the Kingdom values.
Working for the welfare of the youth, the sick, the aged and the prisoners through health education and pastoral activities in Madrid; in Mosquera, offering self-employment schemes; living in solidarity with the poor and the dropouts.
Running home for the aged, and doing social work in Puerto Viejo; working in school and health centre in Guayaquil.
Doing pastoral work, hospital chaplaincy and offering medical care.