Holy Cross Hospital at Perambalur

09 September 2024

“This is the Lord’s doing, it is marvelous in our eyes. Ps 118: 23”

The Lord gave Victory to King David wherever he went. In His Divine plan and unfathomable love, God has blessed our search with victory.

August 30th 2024 was a Red lettered day in the Annals of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Province of Trichy, as we have actualized the plan of God through the Ministry of Healing at Perambalur Hospital in collaborating with the Diocese of Kumbakonam. We thank Rt. Rev. Bishop Jeevanandham and Fr. Adaikalasamy the Director of the hospital who invited us to render our healing service to the suffering humanity.

Jesus chose to heal the sick in order to uplift them in the society by laying hands on them and by forgiving them. The healing power of Jesus was experienced by all those who approached Him. The sister Nurses - Srs. Hilda Cruz, Shanthi Salomon and Sr. Maria Arockiasamy, the pioneers this new venture responded to the call of God to be in partnership with Jesus in fulfilling the Mission of His Father with undaunted courage. We firmly believe that it is purely Providential as we are gifted to work in this hospital which bear the name of our Congregation.

It is a 60 bedded hospital with all the facilities such as Laboratory, Pharmacy, X- Ray, Maternity ward and Operation Theatre. The branch of this hospital named as Holy Cross Clinic is situated in the city, 2 Kilo meters away from the main Hospital, where OP (Out Patients) will be attended and shifted for further investigation and admission.

Rev. Bishop Jeevanandham the diocese of Kumbakonam blessed and inaugurated the hospital On 30th Aug. 2024 at 4.00 pm in the presence of the Sisters of the Cross, Diocesan priests, Doctors and the people of the locality. Fr. Adaikala samy the Director of the hospital welcomed and honored the dignitaries of the day. He thanked Sr. Lourdu Adaikala samy, the Province Animator for her generosity to collaborate with the diocese doing in the ministry of healing. With grateful heart Sr. Lourdu Adaikala samy thanked Bishop

Jeevandham, Fr. Adaikala samy the director and congratulated our pioneering sisters and honored everyone with shawl. The ceremony was ended with Eucharistic celebration concelebrated by Fr. Suvakeen the Parish priest and Vicar Forane of Perambalur.

We thank God for His unfailing love upon our Congregation and wish God’s choicest blessings upon our Sisters, Director, Doctors, and all the co-workers.

The one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. Phil 1: 6

Sr Santhiya
Province of Trichy


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