Province Assembly 2024 – Province of Tiruchirappali

27 July 2024

The ambience was pleasant and favourable as the daughters of Mother Claudine from the Province of Trichy had come to participate in the Province Meet held on 13th & 14th July 2024. Around 150 sisters were gathered under the leadership of our Province Animator Sr. Lourdu Adaikalasamy, the dynamic leader along with her team who had composed us into the rhythm of our Congregation to emulate the vibes of our Founders and forerunners.
In order to get connected with a divine the had set a tone in the Province as a credible witness to make the Good God Known and

Loved joyfully in radiating and reflecting the values of Christ under the banner of the Cross as one family. We began the momentous programme as Sr. Lourdu Adaikalasamy the Province Animator declared open the Province Meet 2024 open.

The master of ceremony of Sr.Jenita Little Flower and Sr. Santha Sheela Mary welcomed the gathering joyfully followed by the Annual Report by Sr. Smitha Jose the Provincial Secretary who displayed the miraculous feat in setting the tone of the year 2023-2024. It was heartening to note that we had lost seven of our sisters during the year 2023-2024 and as a province we paid homage and respect to our departed sisters.

Sr. Babiola David the Province Bursar exhibited the financial status of our Province which made us feel comfortable followed by the colourful presentation of the reports from 13 Commissions. Vocation Promotion, Initial Formation, On-Going Formation, Education Retreat & Youth, Evangelisation, Medical, Social / Disaster Management, Home Management, Lay Associates, Communication, Finance & JPIC

Finally Sr. Lourdu Adaikalasamy the Province Animator acknowledged and appreciated the commendable services of our sisters through various ministries, to as they procured the glory of God, amidst challenges and setbacks. We also salute the vision and ability of our Sr. Lourdu Adaikalasamy to sensitize the issues of the sisters relentlessly. Then as a family our hearts reverberated the journal melody of the Holy Cross Anthem.

On the Second day Dr. Fr. Michael Raj delivered an enlightening talk on the upcoming Jubilee 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope. His presentation covered the biblical and spiritual significance of jubilee, particularly through the lens of Pope Francis' guidance, Jubilee Logo, and offered insights into preparing for this sacred event. The session also included thought-provoking questions for personal reflection and group discussions.


Biblical Meaning of Jubilee:
  • The origins of the Jubilee in the Bible, citing its roots in Leviticus 25.
  • Jubilee as a time of liberation, forgiveness, and restoration, emphasizing the importance of these themes in the lives of the faithful.


Spiritual Meaning by Pope Francis:
  • Drawing from Pope Francis' teachings, Fr. Michael highlighted the spiritual essence of the Jubilee 2025.
  • He underscored the themes of mercy, renewal, and hope that the Pope has associated with the upcoming Jubilee.
  • The Jubilee is seen as an opportunity for the Church and its members to rejuvenate their faith and commitment to God's mission. Study of the four documents of the Second Vatican Council


Preparation for Jubilee 2025:
  • Practical steps and suggestions for preparing spiritually and communally for Jubilee 2025.
  • Engage in acts of mercy, deepen their prayer life, and participate in sacramental life.
  • Emphasis was placed on fostering a spirit of unity and reconciliation within the community.


Explanation of the Jubilee Logo:
Questions for Personal Reflection and Group Sharing:
  • Personally what would you like to do, really to see Renewal, Reform in your life?
  • How can my community exercise renewal and reform?
  • As a Province what are the measures can we undertake to exercise renewal and reform?

The session concluded with the vote of thanks by Sr Amalorpavam Louis expressing our gratitude to the Almighty and for the contributions made by the communities for the smooth functioning of the two days’ meet. Sr Lourdu Adaikalasamy the province animator provided with few important announcements and informations. Thus the day came to an end.

Sr Jenitta Little Flower

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