24 June 2024


We are happy and grateful to God that our four Novices Anjali Tirkey (Amravati), Leona Jency (Madurai), Nilmani Kandulna (Amravati) and K. Roja Rani (Pavani) (Tenali), committed themselves totally to Jesus, on the 223rd birthday of our Mother Foundress Claudine Echernier. At this juncture, we were reminded of the remarkable life and legacy of our Foundress. Mother Claudine Echernier, a visionary was a Foundress of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, exemplified the true spirit of pilgrimage and hope through her unwavering commitment to serve others, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized members of the society. The theme Called to be Pilgrims of Hope was very apt for our dear Novices as they are going to journey as pilgrims into this suffering and challenging world to bring hope to everyone on their journey.

The life of our Mother Foundress was a testament to the transformative power of faith and the boundless possibilities that unfolds when we trust in the divine providence of God. Just as Mother Foundress embraced the unknown with courage and conviction, the newly professed Sisters Anjali, Leona Jency, Nilmani and Pavani embarked on their own journey of discipleship, guided by the same spirit of hope that animated Mother Claudine’s life and mission.

On this occasion we were honored to have the Archbishop of Bhopal, Most Rev. A.A.S Durairaj, who graciously consented to celebrate the Holy Eucharist of profession, at our parish Our Lady of Assumption Church. Sr. Mary Pinto, the Provincial of Amravati accepted the vows of our four newly professed Sisters. There were many other priests, nuns and brothers of the campus to witness the event and to pray for our dear Sisters.

Indeed the Inter Province Novitiate, Bhopal was very happy to see our four young buds blooming and ready to spread the fragrance of love, peace and joy of Christ to all through their surrender. We entrust them into the loving embrace of our heavenly Father to be guided and inspired by Him in doing the Mission of Christ. May this day mark the beginning of a new chapter filled with blessings, opportunities for their growth as they continue their journey as pilgrims of hope, following in the footsteps of Mother Claudine and all the pioneers who have gone before us.

Sr. Sanjeeta Tigga



On the 29th of May 2024, a wave of joy and spiritual fervor swept through the hearts of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, IPN-Trichy, as they celebrated the First Profession of three novices Aksiliya John Kennady from Trichy, Kolostica Kandulna from Amravati, and Malini Pattamajhi from Kolkata. The solemn Holy Eucharist commenced at 6:30 AM in the serene Novitiate Chapel, presided over by Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Andrew De Rose, Rector of St. Paul’s Seminary, Trichy, along with other esteemed priests. The theme for this blessed occasion was "Caught up by His Love, Committed for His Service," encapsulating the deep spiritual commitment of the novices. The liturgy was a beautiful and meaningful expression of faith, thoughtfully and creatively orchestrated by the novices themselves. This personal touch added a special significance to the ceremony, reflecting their sincere devotion and readiness to embrace their religious calling. The vows of these three newly professed sisters were graciously received by Rev. Sr. Lourdu Adaikalasamy, the Province Animator of Trichy. Her role in this sacred event symbolized the support and guidance of the wider religious community. The ceremony was enriched by the presence of dear sisters from various communities and other congregations, adding a vibrant and supportive atmosphere to the celebration.

Their attendance underscored the unity and shared joy within the religious community, creating an uplifting environment for the novices. The courageous 'YES' to their spiritual calling is a testament to their deep faith and dedication. As they embark on this new journey, we extend our warmest wishes and God's blessings upon them. May they continue to be inspired by His love and committed to His service.

Sr Arockia Mary



On the 29th of May 2024, the Sisters of the Cross, Novitiate in Pune was filled with joy and gratitude as four novices committed themselves by making their First Profession. Hailing from various provinces, Sr. Alma Xalxo from Amravati, Sr. Kumudini Baa from Kolkata, Sr. Santoni Sangma from Guwahati, and Sr. Agath Sweety Mary from Madurai marked this momentous occasion with deep faith and dedication. The solemn ceremony took place at the Sisters of the Cross Novitiate in Pune, with the theme “Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move,” reflecting the passionate commitment and readiness of the novices to embark on their spiritual journey. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by Fr. Roxy Fernandes MSFS, Rector of the Fransalian Seminary in Pune, along with five concelebrants, adding to the spiritual significance of the event. The vows of the newly professed sisters were graciously accepted by Sr. Bromadine Palokaran, Provincial of the Province of Pune. Her acceptance and welcoming of the novices into the Congregation symbolized the unity and support of the larger religious community.

The event was further enriched by the presence of members from various neighboring congregations, who shared in the joy of the celebration. Their attendance highlighted the strong sense of community and mutual support within the religious life. The ceremony concluded with a sumptuous fellowship meal, providing an opportunity for the community to come together, share in the joy of the occasion, and enjoy each other’s company. We thank God for the gift of these dedicated novices and extend our heartfelt congratulations and blessings as they begin their journey in the Congregation. May their hearts remain on fire with love and their feet ever ready to move in service.

Sr Angela

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