06 July 2019

It was a joyous moment and an historical event for the Province of East Africa as the first fruits of Tanzanian Sisters Sr. Juliana Gervas, Sr. Anastasia Cornel, Sr.Rosa Diwi and Sr.Bibiana Martin celebrated their Silver jubilee at Holy Cross Convent Kihonda Morogoro on 28th June, 2019. They made their first profession on 28th June 1994 and now they are privileged to have celebrated their Silver Jubilee on the same day in the same community. The celebration was simple but colorful and inspiring with the presence of many priests, religious and lay people from different Associations from the parishes where we work graced the occasion. The main celebrant was Fr. Marlon Rodriques OCD. In his homily he reminded the Jubilarians that the 25 years of celebration is the celebration of many success and failures. It marks the beginning of another page in their life of which God demands something from them of which they themselves do not know but God who is the author of our life, so more readiness and flexibility is needed from their part to fulfill the mission of God.

Many renewal progarmmes which the Jubilarians had for the past 25 years assisted them to deepen their love and commitment to the Lord. The Jubilarians offered the symbols Light and the Bible, manifested their deep desire to become Joyful Witnesses of His mission.


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