30 April 2024
14th March 2024 to 30th April 2024
Theme: “Consecrated to be joyful missionary disciple after the heart of Jesus”
“God’s dream that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family, that we are made for togetherness, for goodness and for compassion”
by Desmond Tutu.
On the 16 of March, 2024, with a spirit of family of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, twenty-five young, vibrant and energetic Junior Sisters along with their formators from ten Provinces namely Amravati, Pune, Kolkata, Tenali, Angamaly, East Africa, Madurai, Guwahati, Sri Lanka and Trichy gathered for the 38th Common Juniorate Programme, 2024 at CHF, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu.
This year Province of Amravati was the host to facilitate the whole programme. Sr. Mukta Parkhe, the junior mistress of Amravati welcomed the main celebrant Most Rev. Nazarene Soosai, the Bishop of Kottar, Sr. Fatima Kattar, the Province animator of Madurai and all the participants of great event. All were welcomed and honored with the culture of Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh.
Sr. Fatima Kattar declared the 38th Common Juniorate programme open. With entrance dance by Sr. Celestina, all proceeded to chapel for the Holy Eucharist. Rev. Nazarene Soosai enlightened us through his soul stirring sermon, his main focus was on “Who is a Missionary Disciple”. He concluded it with a saying, “He who knows God, encounters Him and proclaims Him, is the missionary disciple”. He also quoted many verses of Pope Francis that is “wherever the Consecrated people are, there is joy”.

Sr. Mukta Parkhe conducted a prayer service and during prayer the portraits of our Founder Fr. Peter Mermier and Mother Foundress Claudine Echernier were honoured. The whole prayer was focused on theme of the year “Consecrated to be joyful missionary disciple after the heart of Jesus”. All were given lighted lamps to be offered as a self-offering to God. After the prayer service, Sr. Fatima Kattar, the Province Animator of Madurai addressed the whole gathering with her enlightened message to leave our comfort zone to serve the Lord in mission land.
An interesting and innovative ice-breaking session was conducted by Sr. Amalorpavam Louis, the Junior Mistress of Trichy.
Sr.Mukta Parkhe, the organizer explained the dynamics of 38th Common Juniorate Program’s goal, aim, and thrust. She invited the juniors to make an inward journey by maintaining silence throughout.
On 17 & 18 March, 2024, we were enlightened by the presentation of the ten provinces. Each presentation was very unique, well prepared and so capturing that held our full attention and involvement. Especially the presentation by the Province of Sri Lanka was soul stirring as they focused on sufferings of the civil war, economic crisis and bomb blast.

All the classes were oriented towards integral formation for Mission today. They were Spiritual, Psychological, Congregational and Ecclesial. We made our journey together as Pilgrims and Prophetess of Paschal Hope with a focus of becoming the heart of Jesus.
“The purpose of Evangelical Vows as the Religious life is not a renunciation of the World; but a deeper immersion into the World as radical disciple of Jesus”
From 22 March, 2024 to 27 March, 2024, we had classes on the three vows on Obedience, Poverty and Chastity by Srs. Antonette Ponni, Lissy Joseph and Sr.Zeena D’Souza. Sr. Antonette Ponni in her class explained very well about the Church Document, Vita Consecrate. We were divided into three groups namely incarnation, temptation of Jesus and garden of Gethsemane to share about Obedience according to Jesus life as well as our life.
Sr.Lissy Joseph in her explained the three types of Poverty. She dealt on the case studies in a creative way. We were divided into five groups to read the case studies of various people and find solutions from the Rule of Life.

Sr.Zeena D’Souza discussed on four pillars in Consecrated life, such as Jesus - the person of Jesus, the Gospel message of Jesus, Consecration - belonging to Jesus and Holiness - being like Jesus. We were divided into groups to study the cases based on vow of chastity. Everyone was open enough to freely share their opinions and views. Some cases were really surprising and new to us.
Holy Week Inspirations
28 March, 2024, we had the sharing on “Paschal Mystery” lived by the junior sisters in their life. All the juniors were well prepared and true to their sharing. It was heart touching and moved us all in acceptance of one another in spite of their struggles in life.

We had a meaningful Holy Week celebration and a graceful way of the Cross. And we continued the Paschal sharing on 30th, March, 2024.It was a liberating experience after the sharing to celebrate Easter together.

On 31st March, 2024, we visited Vivekananda’s Rock,Vata Kottai Beach at Kanyakumari. We enjoyed our trip.

On 01st and 02nd March, 2024, Sr. Lisa Xavier, the junior mistress of Angamaly deepened our knowledge to live our community life more authentically. In the evening, we had the role play presentation by groups about different types of Community. They were- Restaurant Type, Cemetery type, Battlefield Type, Club Type and Ideal Type.
On 19, April,Sr. Pushpam Irudhayam, the First former Indian Mother General shared her insights on living the paschal Mystery joyfully in this shattered world.
“Life without Christ is like a tree without roots and a house without foundation”
On 20 & 21 April, 2024, we had our session on “Rooted and Grounded in Christ” by Sr. Savari Savarimuthu, from Guntur. She connected beautifully about the life circle of a butterfly to know God and be rooted in Christ.

From 03 to 07 March, 2024, we had the class on “Spirituality of the History of our Congregation’ shared by Sr.Mukta Parkhe and Sr.Amalorpavam Louis. They enkindled in us to “set the tone” to the world, through Gospel presence and Prophetic action. Sr. Mukta Parkhe, explained about the French Revolution, three crises and its effects in the society and the Mission Expansion in France, India, Srilanka, USA, Peru etc.

“Courage and confidence God is with us”
Sr. Amalorpavam Louis dealt on “All the Superior Generals and the Life of Mother Veronica Pollien. At the end of the class, we came out with a beautiful enactment. On the final day, Srs. Specioza & Amalorpavam Louis continued with the Mission expansion of East Africa and Congo Cameroon. The class got over with Quiz, creative writing of poem and a common group sharing.
“The Centre of our spirituality is Christ crucified, the wisdom and the power of God”
From 08 March to 11 March, 2024, Sr. Bromodine Palokaran, the Provincial of Pune Province, enlightened us more on the topic “The Spirituality of the Sisters of the Cross and the Charism in view of the Kingdom”. She enlightened us more on the Kenotic spirituality of the Sisters of the Cross. On the last day, we were divided into five groups to read the circular of Mother Christiane Morand, who spoke about following the Lord with an undivided heart to be with the people of God who are in need of us. As Sisters of the Cross, Paschal mystery makes the path for the growth and nourishment for our prayer life and for our mission. We also came to know the meaning of our Cross, Logo and Emblem.
On 12 April, 2024, we set our journey to visit the third gender at Kumaranputhur. We were helped by the couple Mr. Mirald and Mrs. Beaulah to meet them. It was a wonderful experience with them. We came to know about their difficulties, pain and mental agony that they go through due to the separation from their own family, lack of acceptance in the society and cruelties that are done to them. We had prayer and dinner with them.
From 13, April to 17 April, 2024, we had new session on “Psycho - Sexual - Spiritual Integration” by Rev. Fr. Micheal Augustine, priest of Sacred Heart of Jesus (SCJ).He dealt on the integration of the four elements of human person such as physical quotient (PQ), intellectual quotient (IQ), Emotional quotient (EQ) and Social quotient (SQ).He inspired us about the fourfold relationships namely Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Eco personal and Transpersonal. He also explained the difference between the sexuality and sex. The sessions were informative and reflective. We watched a documentary on “India’s Daughter” and reviewed the same.

From 19 March, 2024 to 21 March, 2024 Fr. Jerry Rosario, SJ, explained firstly the purpose of CJP and the importance of discernments, secondly Socio-Cosmic Mission and our response and finally the practical realties of present scenario and its issues. He also inspired us to be the channels of truth and gave awareness about the upcoming parliamentary election 2024.The main focus in his class were,7D’S of Discernment,10 J’s of Justice and personalizing three vows.
On 18, April, we had the session on “Fratelli Tutti” the encyclical letter by Pope Francis taken by Rev. Fr. Amirtha Raj, from the Diocese of Kottar. He explained about our world which has dark clouds of shattered dreams, lacking a plan and equal right for everyone as children of God, lack of individual effort for unity, a throwaway culture, insufficiently universal human rights, globalization and progress without a shared roadmap, absence of human dignity to the migrants which divide the society today.
“I am a Mission on Earth”-EG Para.273”
On 22 & 23 April, 2024, we had the session on “Mission Consciousness” by Sr. Fatima Kattar, the province Animator of Madurai Province. She came with a sharp objective of stirring the young the missionaries for the needs of the Congregation. Some of them responded positively.

On 26 April, we had the session on “Social Media and its addictions” by Sr. Selvi Soosai, the Principal of Holy Cross College, Nagercoil and “Constitutional Rights” by Dr.Regie from the same college. We were enlightened more on the Mass Media world and the richness of our Constitutional rights.

On 27 April, we had new session on “Leadership” by Sr. Anita Motha, the junior mistress of Madurai province. She brought out many great leaders of our times such as Malala, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Pope Francis, Mother Teresa and Bishop Oscar Romero. All these leaders had a dream not for themselves but for others. We were inspired to follow Christ Servant leadership. On 29 April,Sr.Mukta enlightened us on “Pastoral care and Evangelization”. It was indeed an eye opener for all of us.
28 & 29 April, we were given time for interiorization to collect fruits of the virtues from this one and a half a month CJP. The sharing of the fruits gathering enriched one another. We thanked God for His abundant blessings, benevolences and graciousness during our blessed stay here in thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Semisonic
The 38th CJP get-together for intensive preparation profoundly deepened our understanding of our religious vocation, fostered connections with larger family of SCC, and cultivated a sense of peace and harmony within ourselves. Through engaging discussions, reflective practices, and shared experiences, we gained valuable insights, strengthened our spiritual practices, and found renewed inspiration to navigate life's journey with grace and resilience. The intensive preparation not only provided a space for personal growth but also fostered a sense of community and support, highlighting the importance of coming together in pursuit of spiritual enrichment. We had spent time in evaluating our life and activities. We felt that we had a very conducive atmosphere for learning, sharing and serving. We carry forth the wisdom gained and the connections forged, continuing our journey towards spiritual fulfillment to become a Pilgrim and Prophetess of Paschal Hope.
Sr.Arul Sudha (Province of Madurai)
Sr.Punitha (Province of Angamaly)