Province of East Africa installs the New Provincial Team


19 April 2023

The installation ceremony of the new team took place at Holy Cross Provincialate Dar Esalaam Tanzania. The ceremony began with Holy Mass which was officiated by Rev. Fr. Prosper Kessy OFM cap parish priest of Zakheim parish. In his homily he asked the new team not to feel shy to enquire guidance and ideas from the old team when in need. He continued to tell them that they have been chosen from the group / community of the sisters and after their term of service they will go back to the group. They were also asked never to replace time for prayer in the name of being busy with work. They should strike the balance between prayer and work. During installation ceremony the new team was given a symbol of a house with single floor. The house represented the province. Iron pillars were left so that they could continue to build more floors. The old team was given a dismantled hurricane lamp.


They had assemble the lamp, add fuel and light it. This symbol represented their work which they did for the past six years as a team and they offered the symbol at the altar. More than 30 sisters were present along with our 8 candidates. After the Mass we had entertainments followed by lunch. This is the first time that the sister of the soil taking over as a provincial from the missionaries. We thank God for this unique gift and we pray that the sisters in the province continue to grow in number and in the spirit of our Foundress Mother Claudine Echernier and our missionaries who came from India and sowed the seed in the African soil. We are grateful to the pioneer sisters especially Sr. Anne Joseph a missionary from India who is still with us. May the sisters who toiled to see to the growth of our mission and have gone back to their creator rest in peace.


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