The Superior General and the Asst. General Visit the Province of Guwahati


29 June 2022


The North East India, a land of mystery, enchantment and beauty where a thousand life styles breathe as one nation on a fascinating matrix of languages, customs, cultures and beliefs accords a Traditional Welcome to the Leaderships Sr. Elizabeth Miranda, the Superior General and Sr. Gracy Sundar, the Assistant General on their Canonical Visit to the Province of Guwahati from 4th March to 27th April 2022. Srs. Annie Varghese, the Province Animator and Sr. Betsy Devasia, the Human Rights Ambassador for 2021 extended a Floral welcome to the Veterans at the LGB International Airport making it a memorable and emotional one.



The visit was marked with a great deal of excitement and expectations among the Sisters as it were a long awaited moment. There were month long material and spiritual preparations prior to their visit. All the communities gave a face lift to the campus and received our Sisters with simplicity of heart and mind. The canonical visit of our superior general was a land mark and an important event for the province of Guwahati as it renewed and rejuvenated the members of the Province.







They were welcomed to the province in a traditional way with various cultural Dances of North East India. Their visit to our province was unique and inspiring. It was a moment to review our personal life, community life, our prayer life and our apostolic life. It enabled us to know one another, our life and mission as part of the Church better. What impressed us most was our personal encounter with our Superior General Sr. Elizabeth Miranda and the Assistant General Sr. Gracy Sundar. They were so very attentive, simple, friendly, approachable, encouraging and appreciative. Sisters appreciated the challenging work of our sisters in the North East region. Sisters felt happy as they were listened with a maternal heart concerned with each one’s mission and the hurdles which each one fulfills the Mission of Christ. They made it a point to meet the lay associates in Kaaying, Itanagar, Ambagaon, Nongalbibra and Mendipathar. Besides that they spent some precious time with differently abled children, transgender group, teachers of our schools and Parishioners. Our beloved Sisters showed interest to visit the families of some of our sisters.





The Animators of Communities were called to the Provincialate and was given an orientation from Gen.Ch.Book 2019 and ROL on animation. The Visit was concluded with the meeting with the Provincial Team. Their visit on the whole enkindled fire within us once again to move forward with enthusiasm.

Reception of the newly professed Srs. Jacinta Khansu and Sushila Munda

The reception of the newly professed sisters was celebrated in the Province of Guwahati on 11th June 2022. The Holy Eucharist was solemnized by Rev. Fr. Simon Thaikho, MSFS and concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Amalraj, The theme of the celebration was “Consecrated to be a joyful witness.” The main celebrant appreciated the daring steps of the young newly professed sisters to devout their lives for the noble cause of Christ. He encouraged them to be the witnesses of God’s love in this present milieu and invited them to hold on to the values of His kingdom and build up the world of truth and justice. Sisters from nearby communities, candidates and pre novices were present for making the celebration more meaningful.

The newly professed sisters were felicitated after the Holy Mass in the presence of Sr. Annie Varghese, the Provincial Superior, Sr. Betsy Devasia, the councillor and everyone present there. Towards the end of the program the newly professed sisters expressed their gratitude towards the provincial for making the day a memorable one. They were also grateful to the fathers, sisters, pre-novices candidates and WDC students for participating in the celebration and in thanking God for their gift of vocation.

The Visit of the General Finance Commission Date: 6th – 19th June, 2022

The General Finance Commission Srs. Maria D’Mello, Sarguna Gnanapragasam and Leena Poulose arrived the Provincialate on 6th June. They were welcomed at the Airport by the Province Bursar Sr. Jaisy Arockiam. Sr. Annie Varghese, the Provincial Superior proposed a welcome address and the Sisters of the Provincialate Community and the Pre-novices welcomed them traditionally.





They visited 7 of our communities for the internal auditing. The Superiors of the Communities where the internal auditing took place expressed that it was a learning for them. The Superiors and the Bursars realized that we have a long way to go in our budgeting and accounting system. Moreover, the Independent societies need a lot of updating and systematic record keeping. Though the General Finance Commission visited only one third of the Communities, it was worth. We appreciate their zeal in the Mission entrusted to them by the General Team and their expertise in handling the records and bringing to our notice where we need to improve. Thank you dear Sisters Maria D’Mello, Sarguna Gnanapragasam and Leena Poulose. It was really an enriching experience with you.






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