10 June 2022

The Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Province of Kolkata celebrated a memorable event, Golden Jubilee on 23rd April 2022. Sisters Elsy Thatil, Jaya Ambrose and Mary Josephine from the Province of Kolkata and Sr. Starlet Cruz and Sr. Philomena Chinappan from the Province of Trichy celebrated their Golden Jubilee of the 50 years of their dedicated life to the Lord. On this auspicious day they solemnly entered the Holy place accompanied by Archbishop Thomas D’Souza, priests, Sr. Leema Rose the Provincial Superior. We had a devout and solemn Eucharist, touching the core of our hearts, with thought provoking words and inspiring messages from Archbishop Thomas D’ Souza who encouraged the brides of Christ to be prepared to meet the challenges of life and to remain faithful to God in the midst of difficulties and sufferings. He also advised the young religious to take the example of the elderly sisters who have lived their lives of sacrifice in serving the Lord and above all not to forget that the Lord accompanies us forever. The Jubilarians were warmly greeted through a short felicitation. They were welcomed and brought to the stage accompanied by the angels on earth for cutting of the cake. The unique event was witnessed by priests, Sisters and few relatives and well-wishers. The Sisters expressed their deep sentiments of gratitude to God, family and all those who were present.
Sr Arul Selvi