31 July 2021


We had the initiation of our five Pre-Novices viz. Elizabeth Kandulna – Province of Amravati, Elizabeth Purty and Susana Khansu - Province of Guwahati, Maria Absana - Province of Madurai and Jasmine Johnson - Province of Angamaly on July 15, 2021. The Theme - “I have Chosen you” was so apt and appropriate filling all of us present with zeal and enthusiasm to serve the Lord. Indeed, it was a Joyous occasion for the Novitiate Community – Bhopal. Sr. Mary Pinto, Provincial delegated Sr. Shanta Minj to attend the initiation ceremony on her behalf. We were indeed delighted to have five young and vibrant pre-novices from different provinces and states to belong to one family of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod to follow Jesus. They have generously responded to God’s call to live the Mystery of Jesus dead and risen, on the path traced for us by our Foundress – Mother Claudine Echernier.

We implored God’s abundant blessings upon each one of them to follow Jesus courageously and to do His will joyfully. After the initiation ceremony all our sisters joined us for the agape.

Sr. Angela Narzary,

IPN, Bhopal.


Celebration is a kind of food we all need in our lives and each individual brings a special recipe, so that together we will make a great feast. Yes the celebration of the Initiation of the Four Pre - novices was a feast for all of us. The initiation prayer service began at 7am on July 15th 2021. They are Chouramma Choudi - Angamaly, Kiran Barla – Kolkatta, Nilima Hajoary - Guwahati, Rose Mary Gunja – Tenali. The theme was Lord, Have Your Way in Us! It was one of blissful moment for all of us gathered. Sr. Lourdes Arockiasamy, the Delegated Superior of the province, entrusted the Novices to the care of Sr. Arockia Mary Soosaimanickam the Novice Mistress.

The presence of Sr. Lourdes Arockiasamy, Sr. Regie Chinappan, Sr. Diana Mathew, Sr. Archana Michael, Sr. Beena Cyriac, Sisters and Novices from Novitiate Community added colours of joy to the celebration. We shared good times with each other in prayer and at table. We had very simple and meaningful Holy Mass at 11.45am. We prayed for the newly initiated Novices. The celebrant was Fr. Sahaya Raj OFM Cap. The joy of the day was extended after supper too in the form of cultural programme in honour of the newly initiated Novices.

Sr. Arockia Mary,

IPN, Trichy.


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