SCC Province of Sri Lanka welcomes the Newly Professed


20 January 2021

The 16th of January 2021 was a memorable day for the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod in the Province of Sri Lanka. Three of our Novices Maria Epsy, Dilrukshi Champika, and Celine Prince who completed their period of formation as novices, pronounced their Temporary Vows in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod. Sr. Christa Bennet the Provincial Superior, received their Vows.

The Celebration took place in the Church dedicated to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus in Panideniya, Peradeniya. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided by Rev. Father Justin Chauhan, SSS. In his homily he mentioned that as Religious we are called to be happy and he quoted the words of Pope Francis “Where there is Religious, there is Joy”. He added that “In the life you are entering today, it is important to be happy and to bring happiness to others”.

The family members and few priests were present. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic the participation of the Sisters of the Cross was limited. It was a great joy for us as we welcome these three sisters to our family of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod.

Sr.Shirani Fonseka

Province of Sri Lanka


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