20 January 2021

With a joyful heart and a radiant countenance our five sisters Shashi Kujur,Manisha Togare, Lidiya Patil, Pramila Ghonsal and Joswina Bavighar of the Province of Amravati made their Perpetual Profession on 17th January 2021 at the Good Shepherd Chapel, Mankapur, Nagpur.

The Holy Eucharist was solemnized by His Grace, Most Rev. Elias Gonsalves , Archbishop of Nagpur along with Fr. Ranjit Rodrigues. In his homily Bishop Elias preached about the sacredness of religious life and the four C’s ……. Contentment, Communion, Compassion and Contemplation which are necessary to live a meaningful life. He encouraged the sisters to be faithful to Jesus till the end.

Sr. Mary Pinto, the Provincial Superior accepted the vows made by the five sisters in the name of the Church. Each Sister received her ring as a sign of her lifelong commitment to Jesus her Spouse and was admitted to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod as a permanent member.

The finally professed sisters expressed sentiments of gratitude to Rev. Archbishop Elias Gonsalves for His gracious presence to celebrate the Eucharist. They also expressed their gratitude to all those who accompanied them during their years of formation particularly our Superior General, Sr.Elizabeth Miranda, our Provincial, Sr. Mary Pinto and their Junior Mistress, Sr. Mukta Parkhe.They thanked their parents as well as their family members whose constant love and care they experienced from their early childhood.

We had a short felicitation program followed by the Agape. It was a very graceful and heart warming experience for our finally professed sisters, their parents and relatives as well as for the Sisters of the Province. Their parents acknowledged and appreciated the help their daughters received from the Congregation which enabled them to grow in the likeness of Jesus. They also expressed a deep bonding with the family of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod combined with a welcoming hospitality and personal attention in a warm and loving atmosphere.We thank the Lord for making this day a memorable one for all of us

Sr. Mukta Parkhe

For Province of Amravati


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