The newly professed add joy to SCC, Province of East Africa


16 December 2020

On 8th Dec 2020 we had the joy of receiving our 4 novices - Theresia Macha, Magdalene Arseni, Winfreda Ngosi and Jastina Arineitwa as they came forward to commit themselves to work in the vineyard of the Lord. Among the four one is from Uganda, the first sister of the Cross from the country of Uganda. The Eucharistic celebration began with the theme “Consecrated and Sent for the Mission” at 10.00 am in the Novitiate chapel, Moshi, Tanzania. The main celebrant Fr.Delphinus Felisian, SDB, the Rector of the Seminary, Moshi, con-celebrated

along with the Parish Priest and Assistant Parish Priest of Moshi. In his homily he said that God has given us freedom to choose Him or not, and when we go against His commandments and lose the first love we feel naked like our first parents. He further addressed the newly professed and told them that God has become their first love and their choice. Let God not ask you, "Where are you?" Always choose what is right so that you may not feel naked before Him who called you.

He further admonished them never to look back and this is not the end of their formation but the beginning." Continue to love the life you have chosen and continue falling in love with God. There were around 35 sisters took part in the celebration though simple but colorful. The newly professed were greeted with the felicitation in the Novitiate Hall. We are grateful to God for the gift of our sisters and we appreciate their family members for their generosity in offering them to the Lord. We wish them God’s choicest blessings to be faithful to Him forever.

Sr. Prisca muthoni

Province of East Africa


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