The Joy of saying ‘YES’ to the Lord


29 October 2020

‘YES’ is the three letter word but it means a lot and brings lot of joy in the lives of many. On 29th of October 2020 was a memorable day as I said final yes to the Lord. Though we are in the time of great anxiety with Covid-19 where the institutions are instructed to gather people with restricted number maintaining social distance, I was the chosen one to say ‘yes’ to the Lord crossing every barrier. It was a joyful day indeed. Crossing every barrier God gave me this day to say a final ‘yes’ to the Lord. As the day was approaching, I was asked by many people that to postpone the day as many will not be able to attend the celebration. But one thing that encouraged me was Ps 40:8 “I delight to do your will O my God”. I was very sure many of the invitees will not be able to join even the

sisters from the province. But I was very sure the day will surely bring me an inner joy and strength. As the day and the time approached, I felt that I am the chosen one and I have a mission to be accomplished. As I was taken to the altar in procession, accompanied by the beautiful dance, I was reminded of the protective hand of God in every stage of my life. The presence of God

and his protecting hand in my life was very unique, which made me strong and convinced me of the special call to accomplish. And then slowly I experienced that the anxiety was slowly getting vanished and I felt calm within. As the consecration process began, I felt the call by mistress was so personal as someone who knows me very personally and with whom I remained for long years. The feeling of "set apart" was very unique as the ring was placed on my finger.

Though due to the pandemic many could not join me in sharing the joy physically but I raised my heart in thanking God for many were able to join me virtually. I do feel privileged as the celebration was webcast live and reached far and wide. Now when I look back at this event in my life, I thank God for the time of molding, chiseling and shaping through various situations and persons in order to make me what I am today. The rich God experiences have deepened my relationship with God and others.


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