Initiation of the First Year Novices on 10th August 2020


08 September 2020

On 10th August 2020 was a great day for the Bhopal Novitiate. On this joyous occasion and the feast of our dear Mother Claudine Echernier as we commemorated the death anniversary, our hearts were abounding with joy and happiness to extend a warm welcome to our five vibrant first year novices from the Province of Amravati Anupa Lakra, Nishi Dungdung, Patricia Kiro, Pramila Ekka and Stalina Souz. We were overwhelmed with joy to receive the blooming buds of our Congregation into our Novitiate family. We were indeed delighted to have them in our midst and thus we welcomed them with Arati, favor, sandal paste and kumkum as a gesture of our love and acceptance. They were initiated by our Provincial Councilor Sr. Shanta Minj, delegated by our Provincial Superior Sr. Mary Pinto. The sisters from our Piplani Community were present to grace the occasion and implored His blessings upon them.

It was indeed a solemn occasion for the Bhopal Novitiate Community, as we welcomed them into the novitiate, to be shaped and moulded according to the heart of our Mother Claudine Echernier, to be at the service of the Saviour, who had laid down his life for us on the Cross. Our beloved Mother Claudine Echernier was inflamed with the fire of the love of the Lord. Today through the intercession of our Mother Claudine we sought the blessings of the Lord so that we too may in turn be inflamed with the same fire to offer ourselves wholly and unconditionally. It is only when we are aflame with the love of the Lord that we can truly become fire that will light up other fires in the midst of darkness. Today the five of them have received from the Father, in the Spirit, a special call to participate in the mystery of

Jesus dead and risen in his mission in the world for the salvation of all, keeping in mind our mission to reveal to all people the merciful love of the Father and the liberating power of the Paschal mystery. Thus we concluded the day by asking the Lord to bless our 1st year Novices with all the graces they need to follow Christ more closely and joyfully in the days to come.

Our Pre-novices expressed their gratitude to Sr. Teresa Kerketta, their Candidate Mistress who accompanied them in the Candidacy and the Sisters who assisted them to reach their goal of responding to God’s call.

Sr. Angela Narzary

Bhopal IPN.


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