The 34th Common Juniorate Program


03 January 2020

The 34th Common Juniorate Program commenced on the January 3, 2020 at Common House of Formation(CHF), Nagercoil, in the state of Tamil Nadu in India. The theme of the Program “Consecrating oneself to Jesus to be a Joyful witness” was highlighted during the inauguration.

It was inaugurated with the meaningful Eucharistic Celebration by Most Rev. Nazarene Soosai, Bishop of Kottar, inaugural address by Sr. Fatima Kattar, the Province Animator of Madurai and an inspiring inaugural prayer service by Sr. Lilly Mary David, the Junior mistress of Trichy. Sr. Jyothi Selvaraj, the Province Animator of Trichy and a few sisters from the province of Trichy and Madurai were present for the inaugural function. The program for the year 2020 is being hosted by the Province of Trichy.

There were 26 Junior sisters from 8 Provinces: Amravati - 4, Trichy - 3, Madurai - 4, Kolkata -1, Guwahati - 5, Angamaly - 6, Tenali -1, East Africa -2 participating in the program. The Junior sisters will make a deeper study on the documents of the Congregation, Charism, Vows, Mission Consciousness. Presentation on the Apostolic Life and Mission of the Provinces by the Junior sisters with their colourful performance and a month-long Ignatian Retreat are included. The program will conclude on March 31, 2020.



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