

29 May 2020

First Profession of our Novices, 29th May 2020
Inter Province Novitiate – BHOPAL

29th May, 2020 was a memorable day for the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod for having blessed us with five vibrant second year novices to the Congregation. We the Province of Amravati thank the Almighty and say with confidence “God is faithful”. He chose and called to Himself whom He willed, formed, and now they are ready to bear witness to His Unfailing love. This call of God is from the love that He bears for the person. Love that is absolutely gratuitous, personal and unique. This call is an expression of His ‘redemptive love’ and an invitation to follow Christ closely.

The main celebrant was Most Rev. Dr. Leo Cornelio SVD, Archbishop of Bhopal, who graciously consented to celebrate the Eucharistic banquet and implored the abundant blessings of the Lord. There were also priests nuns to grace the occasion and implored His blessings upon them. Indeed, it was a significant day in the lives of our newly professed sisters, Anusha, Cicilia, Mary, Pronita and Rajni as they take a bold step to commit themselves to the Lord, to live joyfully and thus bear witness to God’s love for all. The five newly professed sisters were warmly welcomed in the Holy Cross Family and assure them of our prayerful support.

Sr. Angela Narzary
Province of Amravati

Inter Province Novitiate – PUNE

I am going to bring it recovery and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security. Jer. 33/6

29th May 2020 was indeed a significant day, as our six novicesSwaroopa Asodi (Tenali) Divya Chowrappa (Madurai), Renisha Marak (Guwathi), Sarita Nayak (Kolkotta), Ashima Lakra and Amruta Bansode (Pune) courageously offered their lives in the service of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, “ To Heal the World with Hope” .

Letting God’s promises shine amidst the recent COVID-19 crisis our young novices launched out with determination and courage to be like our Foundress Mother Claudine Echernier, on her 218th Birth Anniversary.

Fr. Anand Gaikwad, Principal of St Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Khadki, Pune, presided over the Eucharistic celebration held at the Novitiate Chapel and administered the Rite of Profession concelebrated by Fr. Patrick SJ and Fr. Rajesh. Our Provincial Sr. Bromadine Palokaran accepted their vows. The lockdown in no way belittled the joy and solemnity of the simple celebration within the Novitiate family along with our sisters from the Provincilate, Maher and Asra communities.

We thank God for His mighty works in these young brides of Christ and entrust them to His care. May each be a Joyful Witness to Christ’s Mission.

Sr. Angela Alvares
Province of Pune

Inter Province Novitiate – MADURAI

On the memorable occasion of the first profession of our five novices: Juliana and Priyanka (Guwahati), Treesa (Pune), Greeta and Mounika (Madurai), the novitiate house was flooded with great joy. “To be witnesses of Christ’s Paschal Joy” was the theme taken for the first profession by the second year novices of IPN Madurai. With great love for the Lord and His people, they made their first commitment to Him on the 29th May, 2020, the 219th birthday of our dear Mother Claudine Echernier, the foundress of our Congregation. Sr. Fatima Kattar - Provincial Superior received their vows at the Holy Eucharist officiated by Fr. Maria Michael V.F and three other priests. In spite of the lock down, around twenty Sisters from the neighbouring communities witnessed the profession and welcomed the newly professed into the family of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod. We were happy to share the agape and together we thanked and rejoiced in the greatness of our God for the gift of these five precious sisters.

Sr.Madona Mary Cyril
Province of Madurai

Inter Province Novitiate – VARANASI

Them: “Consecrated With Christ for the Mission of Hope in the World”

We, the novitiate community of Varanasi, wish to express our gratitude to God for His love and mercy. As we Know, God takes the initiative to share His love with us and it is our responsibility to recognize and respond to Him. So also, when the whole world is affected by the COVID—19 Pandemic, four of our novices – Alestina Dapki (Amravati), Junali Minz (Guwahati), Sahaya Mary (Tenali) and M.Viniba Hency (Madurai) took daring steps to say “Yes” to God’s call to give hope to the people in the world. We congratulate them for their zeal and enthusiasm to serve the Lord. They received the blessed religious costume on 28th May with a meaningful prayer service conducted by Sr. Shiny k Louise, the novice mistress.

On Friday 29th May, 2020 at 6.30 am, four of our novices came forward to the altar to prove their sign of commitment to Jesus. It was indeed a joyful occasion. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rt. Rev. Bishop Eugene Joseph, the Bishop of Varanasi Diocese. In his homily, Bishop Eugene specified “the Call for the Mission of Hope in the World” and beautifully broke the word of God. The occasion was also graced by the presence of a few priests and religious, from neighbouring communities, who supported the novices with their valuable prayers. It was indeed a memorable experience in the lives of our novices.

Due to lockdown, Sr. Lima Rose, the Provincial Superior, Province of Kolkata couldn’t come for the profession but made all the possible arrangements to make this day a meaningful and memorable one. She delegated Sr. Ranjita Bilung the Provincial Counsellor to receive the vows. We the novitiate community, thank Sr. Lima Rose for her prayerful support and encouragement. We express our sincere thanks to each one of you for your love, prayers, blessings and support.

Sr. Ranjita Bilung
Province of Kolkata


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