18 April 2020
Since mid-February 2020 we have been receiving information through the media about this dreadful Coronavirus-19. The authorities both civil and ecclesial are trying to control the spread of covid-19 with norms stipulated to rule out the Virus through social distancing and a nation wide lockdown. In response to this situation our Sisters in all our Social Centers, Health Centers and Schools along with their staff are reaching out to thousands of families who need help by providing them with food grains, masks, sanitizers, medicines, tonics, soaps etc.
BHANDARAJ: Our Matru Schaya Social Welfare Society and Health Centre came together and organized an outreach programme. They reached out to 1,241 families in 45 villages of Akot, Anjangaon, and Chikhaldara Talukas. They will continue to help another 1500 families in course of time. They stitched masks and distributed the same in the villages. Our Health centre made an indigenous spray to sanitize the dispensary, so that those who come for treatment are safe

WADALI: Divya Sadan Social Centre, reached out to more than 2500 families especially the migrants, poor widows, daily wage earners and the sick. They instructed the people on the significance of maintaining social distancing.
CHIKHALDARA: Our sisters were able to reach out to 60 families and educated them on COVID-19. They are continuing to render their services to another 500 families of 10 villages in the tribal belt

ACHALPUR: Our Sisters in collaboration with the Parish reached out to the people in distant villages in the tribal areas. They also reached out to the families of poor students
AMRAVATI: Our sisters from Mother House and Bethany reached out to the migrant workers and nearby poor slum areas to help around 200 families. During the distribution of food items they gave tips on health and hygiene.

AKOLA: Our sisters in collaboration with the Education Department provided cooked food to the daily wage earners and the poor families
NAGPUR: Divya Jyoti Social Centre, Nagpur reached out to 300 families and continues distributing food to 65 families daily with the help of an NGO.

SHILONDA:Our Sisters working with the tribes of Palghar District supported 55 families and conducted awareness programme to prevent the spread of COVID - 19. They are moving towards helping 2500 migrant families
The above communities are situated in the State of Maharashtra.

LAKHANPUR: Our sisters have reached out to the interior villages of Lakhanpur. They conducted heath awareness progamme and spoke to the people about the importance of social distancing.
RAIPUR: Our sisters contributed to the PM and CM Relief Fund a sum of Rs. 1, 65,500/- and also provided food kits and distributed masks and sanitizers to the police personnel.


BHOPAL: Our Sisters distributed breakfast and food kits to the daily labourers of the nearby slums.
GARHI: Balaghat Dt. Our sisters reached out to help 50 poor families in the interior villages.
Our Najafgarh and Rajendra Nagar communities conducted a random survey and created an awareness of the schemes available which can be accessed by the people easily. They helped out 100 families.

We are extremely grateful to Sr. Mary Pinto, our Provincial and all our Funding Agencies for supporting us in this yeoman task in reaching out to our people during this time of global crisis.
May we continue to experience God’s Love and deepen our trust in Divine Providence.