Province of France Welcomes the General Team


23 February 2020

The province of France took delight in receiving the General Team on February 23, 2020 at Chavanod. It was a proud moment for the province as everyone was present to receive the team of seven who have come from far and wide to lead the congregation.

The welcome ceremony was held in the afternoon in Chavanod, the mother house. At the beginning of the program the members of the team introduced themselves by elucidating the various responsibilities held in the past in their mother provinces. This was followed by a short presentation by the sisters of the province depicting the apostolates of each community.

Sr. Marilyne, Provincial Superior of France invited each member of the team by name and offered lighted candles by saying ‘Receive the light of Christ you are going to be the light and radiate it’.

The sisters of each community introduced themselves and explained the apostolates of their community through variety presentation in both languages, namely French and English. The program came to an end with a meaningful and inspiring prayer service.



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