

01 May 2018

“What thanks O Lord can we render thee for all the gifts thou has showered on us!”

We raise our hearts in gratitude to the Almighty for blessing the province of Tanzania with the 9 newly professed sisters. The celebration of the first profession of our 9 novices was colorful. On the 9th of Dec. 2017 the Mass began at 10.00 am with the procession to the novitiate Chapel. The main celebrant Fr.Vivian Manezes OCD, concelebrated along with 4 more priests from the parish. There were 45 sisters include 4 novices from noviciate of various Congregations. The Provincial team was also present .The parents of the professed were present and those who came from Kenya arrived on the eve of the function. The neighbours and workers too were invited.

After the mass there was felicitation in the novitiate hall. The first year novices entertained the gathering with their colorful performance. One of the parents of the newly professed proposed vote of thanks and appreciated the sisters for the effective formation given to the formees.  He also appreciated the hard work and commitment of the Sisters of the cross. The function was prepared by the sisters of various communities. The programme ended with the sumptuous meal.


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