Provincial Chapter


18 August 2019

We thank God for His bountiful blessings on our sisters during the Provincial Chapter in different provinces with the theme “To be Joyful Witnesses of Christ’s mission”.   The sisters felt the indwelling presence of the Spirit throughout the chapter. May the Lord continue direct us in our journey towards making the Good God Known and Loved.

Province of France

The Provincial Chapter of the Province of France (communities in France & Switzerland) took place from May 13, 2018 to May 19, 2018 at The Maison du Grand Pré -spiritual and cultural center in Chavanod, where our Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross was found in 1838. 15 sisters who participated in this Chapter appreciated the natural, pleasant, calm and very convenient ambiance during the time of exchange, reflection and discernment. They studied certain realities and major concerns of the Province; for example, to invite sisters from other Provinces to Europe, to improve our collaborations and the quality of our community life, etc.  During this week, the sisters had a moment of fraternal sharing with the lay associates and lay friends of our Province.

Province of East Africa

We are grateful to God for the first provincial chapter of the province of East Africa which took place from 11th to 15th June 2018 at provincialate.  Sr.Pushpam Irudhayam was the facilitator. Chapter delegates were 20 in number who participated with their hearts and minds united and attuned to the voice of the Spirit.

Province of Pune

The Provincial Chapter of the Province of Pune held from 7th -14 July 2018 was indeed a time of grace. All of us delegates felt re- connected with the entire Province and the Congregation. We thank God for the lively presence of the Holy Spirit and the prayerful support of all our sisters as it enabled us to reflect deeply on the theme, “Joyful Witnesses of Christ’s Mission”.

This Chapter provided an opportunity to have a deep insight into where we are at present and awakened us to the Spirit’s call to move ahead with renewed enthusiasm and faith, fired with the zeal of our Founders. Thus evolved the Vision – Mission Statement “Deeply rooted and grounded in the merciful love of the Father, we, the Sisters of the Cross joyfully witness to Christ’s Mission by reaching out with passion and compassion to all especially our sisters and brothers struggling at the existential peripheries and to the entire creation”.

Province of Trichy

The 9th Chapter of Our Province which was conducted at Yercaud from 13th to 20th July 2018 was indeed an enlivening and a life-promoting experience for all the participants. We could tangibly feel the abiding and strengthening presence of God leading us all through the various deliberations and decisions taken. The celestial support of our Founders and all our sisters who had gone before us to their eternal home enabled us to have a focused vision on our goal “Joyful Witnesses of Christ’s Mission” throughout the proceedings of the Chapter. The very pleasant climatic condition with its conducive ambience at Yercaud, was beyond our expectation, in fact, it was nothing less than…a miracle!

The hard work and the whole hearted co-operation of the delegates who generously gave their time and talents both before and during the chapter which has truly contributed towards the success of the Chapter. Rev. Fr. Sebasti L. Raj, SJ, of St. Xavier’s, Kolkata, was the facilitator and his appropriate guidance and his inspirations in leading us through a systematic procedure of the Chapter was remarkable. The real success of the chapter begins as we strive to live our lives in the true spirit of the Chapter.

Province of Kolkata

The 6th Provincial Chapter 2018 was from the 15th July to the 22nd of July. The 30 of the Chapter delegates were ushered into this very important event of the Province, with a day of prayer and silence from the evening of 14th July to the 15th evening.

The preparatory sessions were well focused to unravel the theme and the five aspects of it. There was good participation of the sisters through community and region wise reflection and sharing and proposals to the Provincial Chapter.

Sr.Mary Sujita SND was the facilitator for the chapter. She through her experience, presence, prayers and wisdom accompanied and guided us throughout the chapter. Animated  by the Spirit, she facilitated the chapter to be an experiential, formative and fruitful one deepening our love for Christ and broadening our horizon to see the realities of today so as to respond to them meaningfully, thus  ‘To be Joyful Witnesses of Christ’s mission’.

Province of Guwahati

Our 3rd Provincial Chapter was conducted at Guwahati from 16th to 22nd July 2018. It was indeed a moment of grace. We could really experience the ruffling of the Holy Spirit throughout the Chapter especially in our reflections, deliberations, discernment and decisions.

On the 16th at 3.00 pm we had the inaugural prayer service during which Most Rev. John Moolachira, Arch Bishop of Guwahati Arch Diocese blessed and wished us a Fruitful Chapter.  It was a very holy event. During the prayer we remembered our sisters in 17 countries where we are on Mission by carrying the flags of these countries.

The daily mass, intercession of founders and timely support of Fr. Julian SJ helped us to have a focused vision in tune with the theme “Joyful Witness of Christ’s Mission”. There was an atmosphere of enthusiasm, openness to express and to come alive the dreams and aspirations of the Province. The chapter Delegates sought relentlessly ways and means to witness joyfully the love of Jesus.

Province of Sri Lanka

The 6th Provincial Chapter of the Province of Sri Lanka was held at the Provincialate at Peradeniya was held from 5th – 10th of August 2018.  Nineteen members participated in this event together with the Provincial Superior Sr. Peuma Peiris.  Prayerful wishes for this sacred family event was extended by the Superior General, Provincials and some of the Bishops of Sri Lanka.  The discussions were mainly based on the theme of the forth coming General Chapter in 2019, i.e, “Joyful witnesses of Christ’s Mission.”  The event was commenced with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist by His Lordship Bishop Vianney

Fernando of the Kandy diocese.  The facilitator of the Chapter was Fr. Rohan Silva OMI.  The six days were a time of prayer, reflection and renewal to all the members of the Chapter.  Each member contributes their might to the discussions for the betterment of the future of the congregation and of the service to the people.  The chapter was concluded with a thanksgiving mass.


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