Pastoral Work

“Go throughout the whole world and preach the good news to all people.” Mk 16:15

In the presbytery at Chavanod, she began to gather around her children and young girls of the parish, in order to teach them reading, writing and catechism. (Historical note p. IX)

In France and Switzerland, some of our Sisters participate actively in the following activities of the parish

  • animation of paraliturgical services
  • conducting funeral services
  • helping catechists, preparing catechumens for the reception of the sacrament of baptism and also the others for first holy communion and confirmation
  • Offering spiritual accompaniment and theological formation.
  • Maintaining a close contact with people, through family visits, taking communion to the sick
  • Spiritually accompanying the bereaved family members
  • Participating in parish council



The vast expands of the Northern, the Central and the Southern parts of India, with a large tribal population and the weaker and poorer sections of our caste-based society, have tasted and encountered Christ through the pastoral and evangelical involvement of our Sisters since 1886.They have been thus contributing to the faith formation of children, youth and adults. They are involved in prison ministry and in several widespread and renowned organizations for women. They organize children’s parliament and shape the destiny of our future citizens.


Sri Lanka

Unlike other countries our Sisters do not own big institutions. However, they involve in imparting the “Good News” by catechizing, instructing, teaching, training and preparing children and adults for a Christ like living, sharing the gospel standards and the Kingdom values.

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Our Sisters have responded generously to the invitation to share in the Church’s mission. They are deeply involved in all pastoral activities.

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Together with the lay people, our sisters participate in the life of the parish by teaching catechism and by animating youth and adult groups. The sisters are involved in the combat against poverty and AIDS. Our sisters are offering selfless service in these ecclesial initiatives.

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East Africa

Our Sisters are engaged in pastoral activities in all the parishes. They render services in the faith formation of the youth by teaching catechism and by taking part in the other activities of the parish.

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Latin America

Our Sisters continue their pastoral work chiefly by preparing children for first holy communion, the youth for confirmation, the adults for different sacraments, and by taking communion to the sick and the aged in the parishes.

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Holy Land

The Sisters render voluntary services at St. Anne’s Church – managed by White Fathers. They are incharge of the reception counter, account section besides rendering humble and simple services at the presbytery.

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