10 June 2022
On 29th May 2022, was a special day for the Sisters of the Cross as well as a memorable day for our five second year novices ApunaLakra, Nishi Dungdung, Pramila Ekka, Patricia Kiro and Stalina Souzas as they took a courageous step to live their life of commitment to the Lord. The theme for the day was “Chosen to Witness God’s merciful Love”. The liturgy was significant because we had triple celebration on this auspicious day.
At first the Ascension of Jesus into heaven, the Birthday of our foundress Mother Claudine Echenrnier and our five Sisters Anupa, Nishi, Patricia, Pramila and Stalina said their total ‘Yes’ to Jesus, by pledging themselves to follow Him in the path of Obedience, Poverty and Chastity. Every call implies a response to His love and the willingness to accept its demands. Today God anoints them and sends them out to give the good news of His love to all specially to the unloved and the neglected. In fact, it was a significant day in the lives of our newly professed sisters as they took a bold step to commit themselves to the Lord, and thus bear witness to God’s love joyfully.
To solemnize the occasion the main celebrant was Rev. Fr. Ishwardas Minj Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Bhopal who graciously consented to celebrate the Eucharistic banquet with the rite of profession. Our Novices proceeded to the altar to surrender themselves to God by carrying the lights in their hands, symbolizing their readiness to bear witness to Christ, accompanied by the Sisters followed by Provincial Superior Sr. Mary Pinto, and the Con Celebrants along with the main celebrant and implored the abundant blessings of the Lord.
We the Province of Amravati thank the Almighty God for having gifted five sisters to our Congregation on 221st Birth Anniversary of our Foundress Mother Claudine Echernier who revealed to all people the Merciful love of the Father and the liberating power of the Paschal Mystery. We are grateful to our Founder Fr. Peter Mermier, Servant of God, for being an agent of Mercy and spreading God’s compassionate love to all. So, trusting in God’s providential care, we prayed for the newly professed sisters that they may remain faithful in their dedication to be channels of His merciful love by their exemplary lives.
Thus, the five newly professed sisters were warmly welcomed in the Family of the sisters of the Cross of Chavanod and assured them of our prayerful support.
Sr. Angela Narzary
IPN Bhopal.
Consecrated for Joyful witness of Christ’s mission with these words on the 28th May 2022, we the sisters of Kolkata Province gathered to celebrate the first profession of four Novices Aruna Alice Ekka and Sujuma Basumatari for Kolkata Province, Shangmila Raphel Khansu and Sushila Munda for Guwahati Province at the chapel of Varanasi IPN, Uttar Pradesh.
There was an atmosphere of joy and the chapel was beautifully and tastefully decorated to suit the celebration. Bishop Eugene Joseph the Bishop of Varanasi was the main celebrant. The young girls of the Parish led the main celebrant Bishop Eugene Joseph, Priests and the four sisters to the altar with a beautiful entrance dance.
Bishop gave an inspiring homily, exhorting the sisters to be faithful to community life and to live radically, the vows they were about to pronounce and to lead a life of witness by remaining in God’s love and sharing this love with all wholeheartedly and with joy.
After the Holy Communion, the professed sisters shared their feelings of gratitude and thankfulness to God for His love and blessings for their lives and vocation and thanked all those who prepared and made the day meaningful. The celebration ended with a meal and it was indeed a joyful day for our four sisters and all of us who witnessed this beautiful occasion. We thank God for the life and the vocation of our sisters and the joy they brought to us.
Sr. Arul Selvi
The Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Province of Trichy celebrated the First Profession of the four Novices Deepika Mary Santhiyagu, Jenitta Priyadarshini Packia Raj, Jerlin Arul, Sharmila Rajesh Savarimuthu and the Final Profession of three Sisters Sr. Maria Arockiasamy, Sr. Nancy Arokiyam, Sr. Swatha Vinshi Susairaj on 28the May, 2022 at Holy Cross Convent, Fort with the theme Called to Love, Sent to Serve, To be Joyful Witnesses…
The Eucharistic celebration was solemnized by Most Rev. Dr. Arockiaraj Savarimuthu, Bishop of Trichy. The presence of many priests, sisters and relatives was the real source of invoking the spirit of the Lord on our sisters. It was a meaningful and enlivening celebration to all of us. Participation in the table fellowship strengthened our relationship. We congratulate our sisters and assure them our prayers.
Sr. Arockia Mary
IPN Trichy.